Reflections on My Daughter’s Birthday

Today is my daughter, Elli’s 13th birthday.
I write this as I sit  in the stillness of the early morning, reflecting, remembering.
I’m struck by the realization that our youngest is entering her teen years.
A bittersweet moment.
I realize we will never pass this way again.
Perhaps her awareness of maturation will retire the bedtime rough-housing and tickling
games that has its own name that she (and I although I don’t always admit it)
I enjoy and I know these times will be cherished memories, perhaps something she continues with her own children.
Childhood is fading, as responsibility and privilege take over more and more.
As a parent I remember and cherish the memories, starting from a vague awareness
of her conception even before the Sunday morning my wife woke me up to immediately
go to the 24-hour drugstore to buy a pregnancy test.
After years of trying to conceive a sister for Peri (Peri prayed for a sister from the age of 6)
and giving up we became parents when Lisa was 40 and me 47.
I didn’t know it then
but I would be blessed beyond any hopes or expectations.
I would get to spend a lot of time with this daughter,
really be privileged to be involved in all aspects of her life,
after having been robbed of any time with my oldest,
and only an average amount of time with our middle daughter.
The memories of firsts: first words, first steps, favorite things.
The memories of lasts: her crib replaced by a big girl bed,
no more sippy cups, no more diapers, no more bibs or highchairs.
Shoe sizes increasing until at last she is able to wear her mom’s …
There is more talk of permission to use more makeup this days
(although we tell her how unnecessary it is since she’s so pretty!),
closed bathroom doors.
As a father I see her great potential, the many gifts God the Father has given her- and to us through her-
and we pray for the fulfillment of all of it.
Happy birthday Elli!

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