
Burning Bush



But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?

Moses was in the midst of an identity crisis when he came upon the burning bush.
He listened to God speak to him about the plans the LORD had, in which he would play a major part.
He tried really hard to argue his way out of what the LORD was calling him to do, after all, he considered himself a nothing.
I’m sure he wished he never killed that Egyptian taskmaster! He might still have been “living the life” in Pharaoh’s house.
As he tended the goats and sheep in Median… he may often have thought about the “good old days”;
there were probably many could’ve’s, and should’ve’s …
He thought he was washed up.
To now to hear this plan coming from the voice in a bush this just seemed crazy, perhaps impossible!
Moses would have to go to the Israelites, whom he doubted would trust him since he had grown up in Pharaoh’s house,
then he’d have to go to Pharaoh and declare: “LET MY PEOPLE GO”.
On top of everything else, Moses had that little problem with stuttering…(Speaking in public has been ranked by many people as the #2 thing they fear most-right behind death).
It wasn’t that Moses doubted God; Moses doubted himself-it was a fear of his own inabilities that were holding him back.

Isn’t this the very struggle many of us often dealt with?
We can be overcome by the scope of something that looms in front of us,
instead of trusting our Abba, forgetting that He is the maker of heaven and earth.
We can forget that His Word is a lamp unto our feet, and He is always a faithful God.
We can forget that He sees our potential, and He uses the humble, the surrendered,
those who consider themselves the least, who believe God and take Him at His word, to do His work.
People like us.
Jesus told us, “With God all things are possible”.
So don’t look at anything as being insurmountable, don’t look at your weaknesses,
but instead focus on being obedient and trusting the God of all possibles.

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